Medicare Supplement Health Insurance Plan

The Many Options Available on Medicare Supplement Health Insurance

Mr. Robert Brooks and Mr. Joseph Barnes had formed a welfare organization focusing on health insurance for senior citizens. After a thorough research and meeting with several senior citizens they arrived at the conclusion that they should promote the Medicare supplement health insurance plan for senior citizens.

During their research Mr. Brooks and Mr. Barnes found that senior citizens are offered various health care options when attaining the age of 65. Unfortunately, none of the plans offered, including Medigap and managed care, cover their entire hospital, doctor and pharmacy bills. Therefore, to cover the residual balance expenses they required a Medigap supplement health insurance plan.

Various Medicare Insurance plans listed from A-L.Comparing Medicare Plans

The Medicare Supplement Insurance plan options available to a senior citizen are as follows: -

Original Medigap. This plan is run by the federal government. Any doctor, pharmacy, or hospital that accepts Medigap will provide the benefits to the patient. The client pays the deductible, Medicare pays its share and client pays his share. It has two parts namely, Part A which is Hospital Insurance and Part B which is Medical insurance. There are many out of pocket expenses for the client to pay.

  • Medigap Supplement: This private insurance policy supplements the original Medigap and leaves the client minimal out of pocket expenses.
  • Managed Care like HMO Plan, POS, Cost Plan, and PPO.
  • Religious Fraternal Benefit Society Plan.
  • Medicare Part D "Prescription Drug Coverage" plan, and Private Fee-for-Service Plan.

Original Medicare will not pay the entire cost of Medicare health care expenses incurred by the patient. Hence the necessity of a Medicare Supplement Insurance plans.

There are many types of Medicare supplement health insurance plans. A Medigap supplement health insurance plan is essentially a gap filling plan and often referred to as a Medigap plan. It covers health care expenses incurred by a patient that is not covered by the Medicare health insurance plan. The two broad categories of Medicare supplement health insurance plan are: -

Coverage for an employee or a retired person.

Medigap insurance

There are several Medigap or Medicare supplement health insurance plans. All plans are not available in all states in USA. The State Government decides which plan will be available in their state. These ten Medicare Supplement Insurance plans are: -

· Medigap SELECT, a standard Medicare supplement health insurance that covers all the gaps left by original Medicare health insurance.

· Managed Care Plans. A Medicare supplement health insurance plan provided by HMO, HMOs with POS option, PSO, PPO, and Cost Plan. The advantage is low premium and benefits not covered under original plan. But they lack flexibility.

· Medicare medical savings accounts. This is a Medigap supplement health insurance plan with two parts. One part is Medicare MSA Health insurance policy with a high deductible and the other is a savings account.

· Religious Fraternal Benefit Society Plans.

·Private Fee-For-Service Plan. It is a Medicare supplement health insurance plan where the plan itself decides what to pay.

Rising health care costs has forced millions of senior American citizens to seek Medicare coverage in a Medicare supplement health insurance plan. Since the Medicare supplement health insurance plan is backed by federal legislation, the plan is guaranteed. Senior citizens, who do not have Medicare supplement health insurance plan coverage, may immensely benefit by enrolling in the Medigap supplement health insurance plan.

If you are over 65 years old, have End Stage Renal Disease, or physical disability, you may find the valuable information on this web site that will help you understand the various options available to meet your additional health care expenses. The Medicare supplement health insurance plan information on this web site is our service to you and we hope that you will avail us for additional information when you select a supplement to basic Medicare.

We know this industry and our knowledge will help you make a good decision when choosing a supplement to traditional Medicare. The affordable Medicare supplement programs and cost sharing options that we are knowledgeable of will be of great benefit to you . There are many options available to you in selecting a Medicare supplement health insurance plan. This may seem confusing and complicated but we are here to help you.

We invite you to visit our Medicare Rhode Island page which will provide additional information to you . We wish you success in making the most advantageous decision for yourself in choosing the correct Medicare supplement health insurance plan.

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